
Carissa Western, Founder
Carissa has a PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution and has spent over a decade working in remote and complex environments.
Carissa grew up in Kenya and comes from a family dedicated to supporting the conservation of natural ecosystems through scientific research and community-based engagement.
Carissa has a passion for travel and has worked with traditional peoples and communities across Africa. Röam brings together Carissa’s personal interests and professional experience in a way that allows travelers to visit some of the world’s most remote destinations in a meaningful and carefully considered way- both in relation to the experiences Röam curates and the impact of travel on the destinations offered.
Röam itineraries are designed to be immersive and to prioritize local and traditional wisdom, knowledge and experience. In each of our destinations, we work closely with local guides and communities who connect our travelers deeply with the history, culture, and ecology of these remote and wild places.
Collaboration and Local Partnerships
We believe that to be impactful in the way we operate it is important to work with and learn from partners who have deep and extensive experience, knowledge, and relationships in the places that we offer.
In some destinations this means that we work directly with local people and communities to set up and implement our trips, while in others we collaborate with local travel partners or operators. In all instances we take special care to seek out partners who share our goals and ethos, and with whom collaboration can help us (and them) move towards more sustainable and locally impactful travel.
Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness
As we offer the opportunity to travel to some of the world’s farthest reaches, we take our clients safety and security very seriously.
For us this means understanding local dynamics and realities on the ground before we begin running our trips, staying on top of evolving changes as they are happening and being fully prepared to deal with any emergencies that arise. Röam has several strategic partnerships that allow us to operationalize our emergency preparedness and response capacity.
Stone Group
Stone Group is a risk management firm based in Dubai, supporting Röam to establish and maintain a holistic approach to our contingency planning. By helping us build an in-depth understanding of the regional and local dynamics across the places that we travel, Stone ensures that we can balance local realties with our traveler’s comfort and peace of mind.
Global Rescue
Röam partners with Global Rescue to offer the world’s leading travel protection services. Global Rescue is an industry leader, providing medical and security evacuation services to travelers around the world. Global Rescue offers field rescue from the point of injury or illness. IMG Signature travel insurance is the perfect add-on to a Global Rescue membership, providing coverage against a variety of unforeseen expenses during travel, and giving travelers the added comfort of knowing the value of their trip is protected in case they need it.
We highly recommend our clients purchase a Global Rescue membership for their next adventure to travel with peace of mind.

Our latest blog
Follow our expeditions, adventures and tales from the wild
Embrace Fearlessly the Burning World

Röam Beyond

Beyond the reach of any normal travel map

Notes from the desert

Islands at the crossroads of civilization